
Galatians and Christian Theology: Justification, The Gospel, and Ethics in Paul’s Letter is unavailable, but you can change that!

The letter to the Galatians is a key source for Pauline theology as it presents Paul’s understanding of justification, the gospel, and many topics of keen contemporary interest. In this volume, some of the world’s top Christian scholars offer cutting-edge scholarship on how Galatians relates to theology and ethics. The stellar list of contributors includes N.T. Wright, Mark W. Elliott, John...

Christ lives in them.23 In particular notice 4:19: “I am in labor with you again until Christ be formed in you.”24 There is still life in a human body, of course. Paul is not asserting a nonbodily existence or escape from history. This is far from a negation of human life, since actual fleshly life is here paralleled with life in the realm of faith:25 I live in flesh.… I live in faith. But this life in the flesh is life in the realm of πίστις, life in the realm that belongs to God’s Son, “who loved
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